Family owned: Nine stall horse barn (2 stalls open) on 14 acres of fenced in pasture, spilt into four sections. Stall/Pasture board available, each stall has floor mats with shavings, its own feed/water and hay buckets. There are two 150-gallon water troughs in the two biggest pastures and two 100-gallon water troughs in the two smallest pastures, all pastures have mineral blocks as well as fly blocks. There is lighting through the barn and two lights on the outside of the barn, along with fans for the horses comfort down the walkway and on each side of the stalls. There is a tack room located in the barn to store feed and tack. We have a 60ft x 60ft round pen (which will be remodeling soon) located near the barn for the enjoyment or riding lessons as well as jumps.
Stalls are cleaned twice a day, once in the morning and again at night if need, all lined with shavings and limed once a week.
We have a few boarding options available starting at $200 .00 a month pasture board, proving your own feed and hay or $350.00 a month stall board which includes feed and hay (we provide producers pride pellet and sweet feed, as well as safe choice original for a $15.00 extra a month charge because of price, and coastal hay) We are very open for suggestions on what you would like your horse to be fed and can bring in something else if you wish. We also have a few other boarding options, feel free to ask about those and the pries as well. Board includes but is not limited too, blanketing your horse, holding for the farrier or vet, applying fly spray or mask, applying flysheets ext.
I also do weekend board if you are going out of town and need someone to care for your horse or other animals, you can bring your horse to me or I can come to your farm and care for them there as well.
If interested or have any questions at all please contact