Wyn Farm / Horse Boarding Farm in Williamston, Michigan

Please contact Wyn Farm directly at or as this website does not allow us to contact individuals using the shop around feature. We look forward to speaking with you! Wyn Farm is a full service equine facility offering boarding, lessons, training and clinics. The farm is located right off the highway in Williamston, Michigan which is a short 20 minutes from MSU's Campus. Owned by Mary and Tom Kivell, the vast 40 acre property offers a full time trainer, 17 stalls, 32 additional stalls for clinics, 4 outdoor arenas, an indoor arena (60 x 160), a cross country course, and a dressage ring available to all clients. We specialize in Hunter/Jumper, Cross-Country, and Dressage. We offer private or semi-private lessons, training, and boarding. Full service stall board in 12 x 12 stalls includes private or group turnout, blanketing, Tribute feed program fed twice daily, and quality hay. Lessons are offered for beginner to advanced riders for both adults and children. We offer english lessons with a focus on hunters, jumpers, and eventing. All are available in private or semi private format to ensure quality instruction time. Lesson horses are available for those clients who do not have their own horse. Boarding, training and lessons available now, come check us out!

Visit our website at wynfarm.com for more information or on FaceBook!


Affordable Horse Boarding Rates Arena Beautiful Beginner Lessons On Own Or School Horses. Blanketing Board Boarding Cross Country Daily Handling Of Horses Daily Individual Turnouts Daily Pasture Turn-out Daily Turn Outs Dressage English Equitation Eventing Full Service Boarding Facility Grass Grass Fields Group Instruction Horse Leases Available Horse Training Horseback Riding Lessons Horses for Sale Hunter Jumper Hunter Under Saddle Individualized Care Indoor Riding Arena Jumping Leasing Lessons Open 7 Days a Week Outdoor Arena Owner On-Site Pastures Personalized Care Private Riding Lessons Riding Clinics Riding Lessons for Adults Riding Lessons for Children Showing Program Stables Stall Boarding Trailer Parking Available Trainer On-site Wash Rack Young Riders Welcome Youth
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