BrighterDaze Farm / Horse Boarding Farm in Newark, Illinois

"TRAIL RIDERS PARADISE !!! 450 ACRES" of trails, ravines, creeks, woods and hay fields. Relaxed atmosphere, friendly, helpful staff & boarders. Horses are provided with quality feed and home grown hay, regular farrier and scheduled vaccines. We have large wooded pastures with natural and man made shelter from the elements. We keep the horse in as natural environment as possible in order to reduce the chance of lameness, digestive and respiratory issues, while amplifying the mental health of your horse. We also have a heated indoor arena, wash stall w/hot water, AND a brand new heated lounge for you to relax after a nice ride with the beverage of your choice.
Boarding Stables, Located 60 miles SW of the Chicago Loop in Newark, IL. $450/month.


2. Veterinary Available Affordable Horse Boarding Rates All Breeds And Disciplines Are Welcome All Disciplines and Riding Levels Welcome Arena Beautiful Blanketing Board Boarding Broodmare And Foal Care Colt Starting Cross Country Daily Handling Of Horses Daily Pasture Turn-out Daily Stall Cleaning Daily Turn Outs Farrier Services Full Service Boarding Facility Geriatric Horse Care Grass Fields Horse Leases Available Horse Training Horse Transport Available Individualized Care Indoor Riding Arena Leasing Natural Horsemanship Open 7 Days a Week Overnight Stabling Pastures Personalized Care Riding Trails Available Trail Riding Trainer On-site Veterinary Care Wash Rack Weddings Western
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