2 Spots coming available February 1, 2018!! Full care boarding located in Centreville. We are a small family owned/operated, no drama, adult farm that caters to all breeds and disciplines. I work closely with owners and each horse gets individualized care and attention. I offer Southern States/Legends pelleted feed to all horses daily, along with quality 24/7 forage . Fly spray (owner provides) during the summer months, blanketing during the winter months and everything else in between is provided at no additional cost to owner. Our horses enjoy maximum turnout time in small herds (5 or less). No trailer, not a problem...we have miles of tree lined trails right out the back gate along with many more just a short haul away! We also have a small lighted ring (currently beibg redone), large grass ring, shared tackroom space, bathroom and heated/air conditioned lounge for client use. My family and I own and live on the premises and all horses are checked and inspected throughout the day by me. We have a regular instructor, farrier, vet and dentist for our farm, but feel free to use your own. Farm is also open for your insured trainer/instructor sessions. Barn area is also set up with security cameras and a backup generator in case of power outages. We love to have fun and trail ride as often as possible year round. $550/mo. References from past and present boarders available! PLEASE GO TO OUR WEBSITE FOR INQUIRIES. Check us out on facebook!!! Thank you for looking!