Board ranges from $250 to $350 depending on level of service.
Brand new beautiful 10 stall custom barn.
Stalls are 12x12 with two water buckets (in winter, heated), grain bucket and hay rack, thick rubber mat floor with pine sawdust.
Stalls are cleaned daily with fresh pine sawdust, fresh water/clean buckets. Manure picked daily - LOW fly population (we use fly predators to eliminate barn flies) and hay is stored in separate barn on site to reduce dust and rodents.
Daily turnout on (4) 4-acre pastures with shelters. Very nice!
Daily feeding (grain, 1 scoop per day included in board) Don't want our brand, bring your own and we will feed, no problem. Will add supplements or meds with am/pm grain.
Quality hay - Westmoreland County Fair Blue Ribbon (2017)
Great pastures with private 137 acres adjacent property available for trail riding, hunting/jumping, pleasure.
100' x 208' indoor pavilion style arena planned for 2018-2019.
hot/cold wash rack, on site barn manager, open 7 days/week.
If you choose and if your horse is viable, he/she can have a unique opportunity to be included in daily low impact exercise, working alongside individuals with special needs or therapy groups. Love and attention from individuals who operate barn, who participate in our programs and our volunteers every single day.
We are a 501(c)3 public charity that provides opportunities for special needs children, at risk adolescents, veterans to participate in hippotherapy and EAGALA ground based activities. If horse is used in program, tax incentives are available.
60 x 128 exercise / therapy arena available.
Restroom and flushing toilet, running water. Trailer available for rent.
Experienced horse trainer and private lessons available by appointment.