Recovery Ridge Stables / Horse Boarding Farm in North Ridgeville, Ohio

Recovery Ridge Stables
-3 stalls available-

• Fullcare is $370; We Also Offer Specialty, Retirement, and Rehab Care
• Small Private 14 Stall Barn; Personalized Care
• 10x11 Fully Matted Stalls
• 2-3 Feedings of Nutrena ProForce Fuel & Timothy/ Orchard Grass Hay
• 50x100 Indoor Arena with Heavy Sand Footing
• Turnout Daily, Oustside when Weather Permits
• 5 Small Pastures for Selective Herds
• Stalls Cleaned 6 Days, Bedded with Low-Dust Pine Shavings

Contact Larry Knapp

Recovery Ridge Stables is a small private 14 stall barn located in North Ridgeville, OH. In addition to the above we also have other amenities. A heated lounge is equip with a locked medicine cabinet and miniature refrigerator for all of your temperature sensitive supplies. Large & lockable tack lockers. 24/7 night vision surveillance on the main aisle for security. Feel free to use ours or bring your own! We offer special care (retirement, rehab, etc.) boarding which can be 100% customized to suit the needs of the horse, contact for further information and pricing. The owner, who is the main caretaker, lives on premises. This is a No Drama facility, we have a genuine family atmosphere and try to include everyone. If you have any questions, comments, concerns or require a reference; feel free to call for more information.


A Multi Discipline Facility That Is Meticulously Maintained Affordable Horse Boarding Rates All Breeds And Disciplines Are Welcome All Disciplines and Riding Levels Welcome Arena Beautiful Blanketing Board Boarding Broodmare And Foal Care Daily Handling Of Horses Daily Pasture Turn-out Daily Turn Outs Dressage English English Pleasure Full Service Boarding Facility Geriatric Horse Care Grass Grass Fields Horse Injury Rehabilitation Horse Retirement Care Horse Transport Available Horses for Sale Hunter Jumper Hunter Under Saddle Hunters Individualized Care Indoor Riding Arena Jumping Open 7 Days a Week Pastures Personalized Care Retirement With Full Care Stables Stall Boarding Therapeutic Riding Program Trail Riding Weekly Stays Western Western Pleasure Youth
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