Cedar Lane Equestrian Center / Horse Boarding Farm in West Friendship, Maryland

Cedar Lane Equestrian Center is a Brand new facility offering custom care for your equine family. Full care board is $500. We have 3 separate barns and pasture. All with four rail fencing, heated auto waterers, and run in sheds. Barn 1 is a 7 stall center aisle barn with a 12 x 12 tackroom (with 7 tack lockers). Barn 2 is a four stall barn with 12x 12 tack and wash stall. Barn 3 is a private 2 stall barn with an 8 x 12 tack room. All stalls are 12 x 12 matted with auto waterers, corner feeders and hay racks. A brand new 100x 200 blue stone ridding arena was just finish


AQHA English English Pleasure Full Service Boarding Facility Geriatric Horse Care Natural Horsemanship Open 7 Days a Week Outdoor Arena Stables Stall Boarding Western Western Pleasure
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