Fiddle Creek Farm / Horse Boarding Farm in Barnwell, South Carolina

Fiddle Creek Farm is an equine retirement home. Pasture board is recommended as many seniors have arthritis. Each 3 acre paddock has a three-sided run in. All horses are brought into the barn and fed twice daily. Stalls are a roomy 16x16 with mounted fans with misters. Horses will be stalled during inclement winter weather.
Boarding fee is $200 per month. This includes quality senior feed supplemented with soaked shredded beet pulp and soaked alfalfa cubes as most senior horses are no longer able to effectively chew grass or hay. Hay is given even if they are only able to quid their forage. Hooves are trimmed every 4 weeks during the summer and every 6 weeks during winter. Twice yearly veterinarian visits for vaccinations, boosters, rabies and pulling of Coggins are billed to the owners.
The owner, a certified ARIA barn manager, has worked extensively rehabbing and caring for rescued horses during the last 12 years. As a result she is very aware of the needs and care of older horses. The location is very quiet and peaceful. Horses calmly live out their years with daily, loving attention.


Geriatric Horse Care Pasture Board Pastures Stables Stall Boarding Stalled During Inclement Winter Weather. Stalled During Twice Daily Feedings
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