We are located in the Dexter/Almo KY area which is about 10 miles East of Murray, KY. Monthly Board is $125 per month per horse. Included in this price is hay. We offer stall and or pasture boarding. Full stall boarding is $350 per month, which includes feeding twice per day, cleaning stall and turnout into a round pen for part of the day. If you do pasture only, we supply round bale hay in the winter and in summer months when the pastured are extremely dry. We have pasture to ride your horse or due to our location, you may ride on the country roads around the farms. We offer boarding to Murray State Students and longer-term boarders. We also offer access to a round pen to work your horse. The barn is large and spacious. Most stalls are 11 by 16, so your horse will have plenty of room. We also provide feeding services during Christmas and Spring break holidays for additional fees. We do not limit the times that you are able to come out to the barn. If you have multiple horses, we may offer a multiple horse discount.