True Heart Stables / Horse Boarding Farm in Whitehouse Station, New Jersey

True Heart offers honest and dedicated horse care. We have a fantastic team to care for both you and your horse. Matted stalls with yokes & windows, stall cleaning 3x's per day, premium hay and grains. We also offer, for those interested, full grooming and tack-up service. We have a beautiful attached indoor arena with superior footing, lovely viewing room with 2 bathrooms, TV and free Wifi. Our magnificent outdoor arena is complete with excellent footing and challenging show jumps to enjoy. We have a grass cross country jump course and river access and miles of trails for some exciting out of the arena riding. Our facility offers acres and acres of turnout space and in addition, 4 round pens. Rolling hills to condition and ride on and enjoy. Every evening 8:30pm~9:30pm horses have hay service with Night Check. The farm is peaceful and nurturing and we invite you to join us. True Heart's owner/trainer, Torri Siegel Dragos is certified by the United States Hunter Jumper Association.

Schedule a visit today!


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