JC Cutting Horses / Horse Boarding Farm in Boyertown, Pennsylvania

JC Cutting Horses is a full service training and education center where our method of No Stress Horsemanship tm produces healthy, happy champions for today, for tomorrow and for the future. We also integrate complementary therapy to insure that horses in our program feel their best, to work to their best potential. We also have a Relax and Ride program for the amateur rider, which has proven successful. Come and see our facility which includes and indoor arena, outdoor arena, indoor wash rack, heated lounge, turnout, and hotwalker. We host shows and clinics. Johnny Costa and his wife, Jann O'Leary Costa compete successfully on a national level in Cutting and Versatility and have over 40 years experience in the equine industry. We'd love to show around.


Beginner Lessons On Own Or School Horses. Daily Individual Turnouts Education Full Service Boarding Facility Geriatric Horse Care Horse Breeding Program Horse Training Horse Transport Available Horseback Riding Lessons Horses for Sale Indoor Riding Arena Open 7 Days a Week Outdoor Arena Pastures Private Riding Lessons Riding Clinics Showing Program Stall Boarding
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