We are a Very Private barn, offering great personalized care & a rare opportunity for lucky calm/gentle easy keeper well-mannored horse ideal for leisure rider or retired/special needs horse who needs small herds of 2. Our horses are laid back gentle and share meals so yours should too.
Trainers, therapy horses, rental welcome too.
we are a max 4 stall barn, with a rare couple of openings.
*12x12 matted stalls,
* dutch-door walkouts to lime and pasture,
*auto water and fans in every stall for summer use.
*Turbo heat in winter
* Brick aisleways.
*Large 100x225 outdoor w/sand footing,
90x60 indoor rubber/sand Nike footing 2 lime lots Beautiful pastures, one huge 4.5 acre + 3 smaller.
Turn out is ALL DAY every day 7 days/wk..365/yr
. Grass on all dry days; lime paddock in bad weather.
Stalls cleaned 7 day/week, 2x/day. 365. Horses fed 2-3x/day in winter - we all lend a hand when needed... Manure removed from property weekly/biweekly, all pastures and arena cleaned immediately.
No crazy commercial rules, just a family of horses and people working to keep horses happy.
We have a "See it, Do it" moto, which allows flexibility in care.
Perfect for Special needs and retired horses and encouraged. Either mares or geldings as long as they are well mannered , sorry** No kickers, or aggresive tendencies, No vices (NO cribbers, stall kickers, fence pacers, panikers..etc... we just have peace amongst owners and horses.. You break it you fix it policy because we are a rented facility). This is a place for horses that need serene environments.
Candiate horse should be able to share their food with friends with no aggression.
No hidden charges for supplements, boots, blankets. We all pitch in and help each other out for the sake of our horses! We are as laid back super easy going and friendly as can be for both horse & human.
**Most important factor is to mesh a well mannered calm/gentle peaceful herd. Spring/summer the pastures are very lush. Open to discussing different scenarios and accomodations for your horse.
Board: $575 + shavings(+ small security deposit), this includes all of the above.
Owner: pays for shavings as you need it, our barn is stocked with shaving and you tally them as you use and only get charged for usage which keeps the boarders fees down because horses are out all day cost tends to be less than most barns.
Owner: supplies the feed you choose to use.
Trainers welcome, and/or possible arena rental available. Will be looked at on a case by case basis.
Viewings BY APPOINTMENT ONLY! This is a private facility located in Oswego, Il
Feel free to call or email: Stephanie Toma, LMT