Lilly Haven Stables / Horse Boarding Farm in Radnor, Ohio

Lilly Haven currently has 1 stall available. We have over 20+ years of experience in horse boarding and cater to all breeds and sizes. The property is registered as natural habitat with acreage federally protected for wildlife. Lilly Haven Stables is a country barn, nestled far away from busy roads and noise. We are not a one size fits all facility. We provide hay, grain (of owner's choice) and lots of turnout. Full board is $425, no additional charges are added. We offer availability to an instructor who has trained under Chris Cox. Heated tack-room and indoor washroom. 14 extra large stalls with 65 acres of open fields and wooded trail riding. We have a three acre lake with sand beach that horses can access. Your horse will receive great care and lots of TLC. Five minutes from Delaware, 25 from Dublin. If you're interested in a response from Lilly Haven please call the number listed to ensures we receive all contact information and can respond appropriately.


Affordable Horse Boarding Rates All Breeds And Disciplines Are Welcome All Disciplines and Riding Levels Welcome AQHA Blanketing Boarding Daily Handling Of Horses Daily Individual Turnouts Daily Pasture Turn-out Full Service Boarding Facility Geriatric Horse Care Grass Fields Group Activities Horse Training Horse/Pony Birthday Parties Horseback Riding Lessons Individualized Care Lessons Natural Horsemanship Open 7 Days a Week Outdoor Arena Pastures Private Riding Lessons Retirement With Full Care Riding Lessons for Adults Riding Trails Available Round Pen Stables Stall Boarding Wash Rack Western Western Pleasure
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