Gray Shadow Farm / Horse Boarding Farm in Lugoff, South Carolina

Gray Shadow Farm is located in NE Columbia, SC close to I-77 and I-20. Full time barn manager lives on site and also owner/manager. Roomy 12' X 12' stalls bedded with pine shavings, cleaned daily, 2 grain feedings per day and square baled hay. Horses turned out daily (2 per pasture) on grass. Jump course, round pen, dressage arena and miles of trails. Security camera's, locked front gate and tack rooms over night. Scheduled Farrier and vet visits. Full board only, starting at $250.00 per month. Stallions and Draft horses cost more. Please call for more information.


Broodmare And Foal Care Colt Starting Daily Individual Turnouts Dressage Driving Foaling Facilities Full Service Boarding Facility Geriatric Horse Care Horse Breeding Program Horse Transport Available Horses for Sale Jumping Layovers, Stopovers Natural Horsemanship Open 7 Days a Week Outdoor Arena Overnight Stabling Pastures Retirement With Full Care Riding Clinics Round Pen Stables Stall Boarding Stallions Trail Riding Veterinary Care Western Youth
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