Baybreeze Stables / Horse Boarding Farm in Pasadena, Maryland

Family oriented, old, historic farm. Full care includes twice a day feeding. We offer boarding, lessons, training, and leasing. Although some of our boarders do show various disciplines from western pleasure through hunters,we are more of a trail/fun barn. We are not a show barn. Very laid back. Children welcome with adult supervision. Weekend trail rides together. Ride our trails to the water(that is part of our property) and take your horse swimming. We believe in leaving our horses out in the pasture with run ins unless the weather is bad. Each Horse is brought in twice daily to their stall for feeding and injury check. All stalls are rubber matted and have fans. Lots of private trails, water view. We currently have 3 openings for mares and geldings [mares and geldings are separated in different pastures] although stalls tend to go quickly. $375 per month. Wash rack, round pen,outdoor ring, outdoor jump ring and large tack room. References required. Come check us out and meet our Baybreeze family!


All Breeds And Disciplines Are Welcome All Disciplines and Riding Levels Welcome ALL HORSES HAVE STALLS Beginner Lessons On Own Or School Horses. Board Boarding Daily Handling Of Horses Daily Pasture Turn-out Daily Turn Outs Education English English Pleasure Equitation Full Service Boarding Facility Geriatric Horse Care Grass Grass Fields Group Activities Group Instruction Horse Injury Rehabilitation Horse Leases Available Horse Retirement Care Horse Summer Day Camp for Kids Horse Training Horseback Riding Lessons Horses for Sale Jumping Leasing Lessons NO FIELD BOARDING!!! Open 7 Days a Week Outdoor Arena Pastures Private Riding Lessons Retirement With Full Care Riding Lesson Program Riding Lessons for Adults Riding Lessons for Children Riding Trails Available Round Pen Stables Stall Boarding Trail Riding Trailer Parking Available United States Wash Rack Western Western Pleasure Young Riders Welcome Youth
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