Plafkin Farms / Horse Boarding Farm in Ada, Michigan

Plafkin Farms, Ada, Michigan(View on and, 2150 Buttrick, Ada, Michigan, 49301, We have a 50 acre farm located between Ada and Cascade, Michigan--5 miles from the Gerald R. Ford airport where over 30,000 people work in industries, 12 miles from Grand Rapids. We have been on our land over 50 years; during this time, no pesticides have been applied to the land. We have assurances from the State of Michigan Department of Agriculture, that we can offer to keep a horse for $25.00 mo.; the owner must supply feed, care, and insurances on their horses. We have a State of Michigan Right to Farm Act in place which is protected by the Attorney's General's office in Lansing, Michigan.

Roger Plafkin
Plafkin Farms(View on and
2150 Buttrick
Ada, Michigan


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