Concord Ridge Equestrain Center / Horse Boarding Farm in Saint Joseph, Michigan

44 top-of-the-line European style stalls, half of them with attached turnouts, Our staff is some of the best in the business and has worked closely with veterinarians, nutritionist, builders, and horsemen to ensure top quality care for your horse. 2 large indoor arenas, 1 indoor round pen, heated indoor wash racks, 2 large tack rooms with a washer /dryer and a downstairs lounge (mud room). Upstairs, you will be able to sit in comfort in our large lounge, which will include all of your usual kitchen amenities, Wi-Fi internet, indoor elevated bleachers, a class room, a bunk-bed room with attached bathroom and shower. A “cat walk” type balcony attaches to the upstairs lounge allowing you to walk out and look above the stalls and indoor riding areas. Outdoors surrounding the barn are 9 two to three - acre pastures, several small paddocks, 2 large outdoor arenas, 3 outdoor round pens, a 1-mile long manicured trail surrounding the property, a full Natural Horsemanship Course (a horseman’s playground) which is incorporated into a pond and a beautiful gazebo. Our gazebo will be available for weddings, etc. with the classic horse drawn carriage and party rentals.


Colt Starting Dressage English English Pleasure Equitation Full Service Boarding Facility Horse Leases Available Horse Summer Day Camp for Kids Horse Training Horseback Riding Lessons Hunter Jumper Indoor Riding Arena Jumping Make Your Dreams Come True By Building And Designing A House Or Natural Horsemanship Outdoor Arena Pasture Board Pastures Private Riding Lessons Riding Clinics Riding Trails Available Showing Program Stallions Weddings Western Western Pleasure Youth
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