Forest View Farms, LLC / Horse Boarding Farm in Forest Hill, Maryland

Forest View Farms, LLC (FVF) is a peaceful, mid-sized farm located in Harford County, convenient to Baltimore County and City. We currently have two (2) spots open for full care stall board. Our facilities have much to offer, including a fully enclosed 100 x 200 lighted indoor riding arena with dust free sand/rubber footing, a 150 x 80 outdoor riding ring, large matted box stalls, a heated tack room, a wash stall with both hot and cold water, all board fencing, and miles of surrounding trails. We provide attentive and individualized care for your horses doing our best to provide them with the best possible home. We have a full time barn manager, and an ARIA licensed manager who lives only minutes from the premises.

FVF provides full care stall board for only $450 a month and we include all of the following: twice daily feedings of quality hay and grain (including any supplements you provide), daily turn out, blanket changes, fly mask changes/ spraying, regular de-worming, holding for the vet/farrier/dentist, minor wound care, and salt blocks in every stall. Owner provided suppliments, heated buckets and fans are no additional monthly fee. We treat all of our fields with fly predators (seasonally), and have our waste bin emptied regularly. We offer individualized turn out, small paddocks, and larger pastures to meet each horses needs. Our large, clean 12x12 stalls are constructed of board slats (no concrete or cinder blocks), each have rubber mats as flooring, and are bedded with sawdust. Each stall has an operational light and electric outlet, and our heated tack room has a small fridge and a utility sink. Our expansive indoor arena is attached directly to the barn so there is no need to have to go outside in poor weather. We have cavaletti, jumps, ground poles, barrels, and lunging equipment on-site and avaialable for your use.

FVF also employs highly knowledgeable local trainers specializing in starting young horses and training trail, gaming, lower level hunter/jumper, and some western disciplines. We offer training at monthly rates starting at just $700 a month. This price includes full care stall board, and would provide your horse with regular exercise through a training schedule specialized to their specific needs. In addition we offer riding instructor for ages 6 - adult from beginners through advanced riders. We provide quiet, reliable, talented lesson mounts for our students, or can also accomodate trailer in lessons.

Please contact us today to schedule at time to come see the barn and all we have to offer!


Beginner Lessons On Own Or School Horses. Broodmare And Foal Care Daily Individual Turnouts Dressage English English Pleasure Equitation Eventing Full Service Boarding Facility Geriatric Horse Care Group Activities Group Instruction Horse Injury Rehabilitation Horse Leases Available Horse Training Horse Transport Available Horse/Pony Birthday Parties Horseback Riding Lessons Horses for Sale Hunter Jumper Indoor Riding Arena Jumping Layovers, Stopovers Open 7 Days a Week Outdoor Arena Overnight Stabling Pastures Private Riding Lessons Retirement With Full Care Riding Clinics Riding Trails Available Showing Program Stables Stall Boarding Trail Riding Weekly Stays Western Youth
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