Hollowbrook Riding Academy / Premier Horse Boarding Farm in Putnam Valley, New York

We specialize in Western riding lessons for everyone, plus horsemanship, teamwork and games. We offer trail rides on our property for those just getting the hang of it, plus advanced trail rides for those who are ready for the hills and streams! We also provide boarding facilities including daily turnout, three large riding rings including one covered ring for year-round riding. We specialize in children's Western lessons but offer lesson packages for all. We are thrilled to provide therapeutic riding, and we host pony parties! The owners LIVE ON SITE so we are near your horse 24 hours a day! We have taught hundreds of children and adults to enjoy Western riding for decades. See our website for numerous testimonials from customers praising our unflinching dedication to our and your horses!


Beginner Lessons On Own Or School Horses. Boarding Daily Individual Turnouts Daily Pasture Turn-out Full Service Boarding Facility Grooming Group Instruction Horse Leases Available Horse Summer Day Camp for Kids Horse/Pony Birthday Parties Horseback Riding Lessons Horsemanship Horses for Sale Indoor Riding Arena Natural Horsemanship Open 7 Days a Week Outdoor Arena Pasture Board Pastures Pony Rides Private Riding Lessons Riding Trails Available Rodeo Skills Round Pen Stables Stall Boarding Summer Camp Tacking Therapeutic Riding Program Trail Riding Western Western Pleasure
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