UNDER NEW MANAGEMENT!! Wingate Farms in owned by Jane Wingate and operated by LouRonda Dohrer, who has 40+ years equine management experience. It is a working farm located in Hillsdale MI. We have inside and outside boarding. Included is use of outdoor arena, indoor (80x120) arena and round pen. Both types of boarding includes hay and custom feed given twice daily, supplements can also be given and must be supplied by horse owner. Inside boarding includes daily stall cleaning with bedding and daily turnout dependent on weather. Call for current rates and further details.
All Breeds And Disciplines Are Welcome
All Disciplines and Riding Levels Welcome
Broodmare And Foal Care
Daily Individual Turnouts
Daily Pasture Turn-out
Full Service Boarding Facility
Geriatric Horse Care
Horses for Sale
Indoor Riding Arena
Layovers, Stopovers
Open 7 Days a Week
Outdoor Arena
Overnight Stabling
Pasture Board
Retirement With Full Care
Round Pen
Stall Boarding
Weekly Stays