STALL BOARD: $500/month
17 rural acres, 10 miles SW of Gainesville. 19 miles NW of HITS. Owner/manager lives/works on premises. Boarding since 2003. References available. Feeds 2x daily our feed or yours. We’ll store and feed owner-supplies hay or feed our coastal Bermuda.
Stall board includes feed & hay, 13 acres of pastures, 11 cross ties -- 2 of which are concrete wash racks, 50' round pen, a/c tack room (2 saddle racks, 2 bridle hangers & 1 shelf for each boarder) plus mineral blocks in stalls & pastures. Hundreds of acres of amazing riding trails, 100' x 350' arena fenced in, w/jumps & barrels.
Nearly new, breezy 6 stall, concrete center aisle barn with 12' x 12' stalls & a 16' x 16' air conditioned tack room w/space dedicated to each boarder. Included are all the above amenities plus fly spraying, fly mask on/off, blanketing, customized turnout and a lighted stable yard, mounting block & a 3 tier outdoor saddle rack.
There's a restroom in our air conditioned "club house" with break room, kitchenette & shower/changing room soon to come.
We also offer trailer parking, overnight stays & short-term board.
Half-leases, training & lessons available. See our facebook page for details and more photos.