New announcement!!! I am very excited to announce that Renee Peters is my Trainer in the barn. She is a Prix St. George Rider with her Silver and Bronze. working on her Gold. Schedule your lessnons now before she is booked up!!! Very clean and safe place to keep your horses. Riding lessons avaliable. Trail riding, no charge for blanketing, indoor riding arena, wash bay, large stalls, heated lounge, heated tack room, Individual turn-out area's for your horses safety. Outdoor dressage arena will be ready this Spring!!!Horse camps, dressage clinics this summer!!! Indoor arena, Purina/Nutrena Senior fed to older horses! Purina/Nutrean feed to others. Pellot form. Outstanding grass hay!! I treat your horse like my own. Private barn that sets back off the road. triple crown vinyl fencing. good footing in arena. Water runs thru my water softner before it reaches the barn. Great water! or www.brarabians.com