Beautiful farm on a dead end, gated, quite and safe. 12 stall center isle barn. 12 X 12 ft stalls automatic water in stalls, fans and timed lights for winter show coats. Blanketing in the winter. Nightime turnout in the summer available and daytime turnout in the winter for the lights. All horses stay slick! Hot and cold water indoor washbay. Fridge and freeze with a air conditioned tackroom. Automatic flyspay system in all stalls and isleway. Granddaddy oaks provide much need shade during the summer time. Barn stays cool in the summer, horses never complain. Big grass paddocks with 4 board and electric fencing. 120 X 200 ft arena with jumps. 60 ft solid wall 7 ft hight round pen, great for breaking. Eveything you may need is available here, from full board, to breaking, to finished show horse and lessons of all ages. Mare and foal care with great veternary service by Peterson and Smith. Standing Just Do it Dynamic, Incentive Fund QH stallion. Only quality feed fed here. Alfalfa hay and pennfields finest grains.