RAMM Horse Fencing and Stalls / Horse Fence Builder in Swanton, Ohio

In business for over 30 years, RAMM Horse Fencing and Stalls was started by Debbie and Mike Disbrow as a result of their own unpleasant experience when purchasing a horse fence system. Wanting to offer horse owners a better way, they launched RAMM with the commitments of offering safer alternatives in equine products, providing these high-quality products at competitive prices and offering superior service from planning to completion.

Though we are not involved directly in horse fencing installation, we do have a network of fencing installers that we can recommend for any sized project. Call us today at 1-. Thank you.


2, 3 & 4 Rail Vinyl Horse Fence Construction 2, 3 & 4 Rail Wood Horse Fence Construction Coated Wire Combination Horse Fencing Custom Fence Entry Gates Custom Horse Corrals ElectoBraid Fence Electric Fence Electric Rope Electric Tape Flex Fence High Impact Flex Fence High Tensil Wire Fencing for Horses Horse Fence Horse Stalls Horserail Flex Fence Hotcote Electric Fence Pavers Round Pens Run-ins Shelters Stay Tuff High Tensile Wire Woven Wire
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