Tejas Ranch & Game Fence / Horse Fence Builder in Athens, Texas

Tejas Ranch & Game Fence is a contractor for high game fence, cattle fence, hog proof fence, and horse fence. We also have specialty solutions for protecting your land, livestock, and wildlife with electric fence, water gap fence, fence apron, and more. Our creative vision and perspective helps landowners get the most value and enjoyment from their property. Our highly skilled team of fencing innovators, designers, and construction engineers is dedicated to excellence in every job.Tejas was founded on providing superior crafted ranch fence solutions.


2, 3 & 4 Rail Vinyl Horse Fence Construction 2, 3 & 4 Rail Wood Horse Fence Construction Built With Quality Products Custom Horse Corrals Electric Fence Farm Fence Of All Types Fence Repair Steel Pipe Rail Fence Wood Picket Fences Woven Wire
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