Petty Farms Custom Fence / Horse Fence Builder in Mansfield, Ohio

We specialize in various types of affordable fencing solutions. If you have fencing needs for cattle, dogs, alpacas, goats, sheep, horses, etc..., or if you just need to keep deer and other creatures out of your garden, let us know.

Petty Farms will also restore old fencing, clean up overgrown fences, and tackle any other farm service needs.

Located in Mansfield, Ohio, Petty Farms is a family-oriented business that values hard work and high quality results for our customers. Petty Farms began as a one-man operation when Adam Petty started a small fencing operation that would service local farmers fencing needs. Our business spread through word-of mouth, and since then, Petty Farms has evolved into a full-time fencing company that services all fencing needs. Additionally, Petty Farms has branched out into Hay and Straw Sales, as well as other miscellaneous farm services


2, 3 & 4 Rail Wood Horse Fence Construction 3-Rail Cattle Fencing Custom Fence Entry Gates Custom Gates Custom Horse Corrals Deer Fence Construction Electric Fence Farm Fence Of All Types Farm Services Fence Repair Finish Line Fences Fixed Knot Fences High Tensil Wire Fencing for Horses Hog Wire Land Clearing Preifert Red Brand Non-Climb Shelters Skid Steer Work Stalls Stay Tuff High Tensile Wire Straw Sales Woven Wire
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