Litchfield Hills Fence Company / Horse Fence Builder in Harwinton, Connecticut

Just as well manicured lawns and trees add to the beauty, function, safety and value to an individual's property so also does fencing. A well constructed fence enhances the value of your property. At Litchfield Hills Fence Company we have been devoted to serving the needs of the farm and home owner throughout the northeastern states for over 40 years. We offer a family owned business and one of the most trusted names in fencing. Our longevity comes from successfully meeting the challenges of fencing needs.

Our product is crafted with beauty, safety, and durability for the versatile needs of our customers, mindful of the changing New England weather.

By standing behind our products and services, we continue to keep high standards for protecting horses, farm animals and the overall appearance of your property.


2, 3 & 4 Rail Vinyl Horse Fence Construction 2, 3 & 4 Rail Wood Horse Fence Construction Aluminum Fences Barb Wire Fences Cattle Fencing Centaur Polymer Fencing Chain Link Chainlink Commercial Fence Commercial Fences Custom Fence Entry Gates Custom Horse Corrals Deer Fence Construction Electric Fence Farm Fence Of All Types Fence Repair Fixed Knot Fences High Tensil Wire Fencing for Horses Licensed & Insured Pasture Maintenance Pet Fences Red Brand Non-Climb Residential Fences Residential Fencing Run-ins Stay Tuff High Tensile Wire Steel Pipe Rail Fence Vinyl Or Wood Privacy Fence Wood Picket Fences Wood Privacy Fences Woven Wire Wrought Iron Fences & Gates
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