Jockey Camp / Horse Camp in Shapleigh, Maine

Jockey Camp is a horse camp geared to the serious students ages 12 -16 who want to become jockeys or work in the thoroughbred racing industry. Emphasis will be placed on fitness, and learning to ride challenging horses with finesse and confidence. We will also be learning about the racing industry, handicapping races, equine health, lameness issues, and equine first aid. This is a day camp, and students will be expected to help care for the horses in order to develop a strong work ethic, which is absolutely essential to succeeding in the racing world. We do have a few quiet horses for the beginner who has the desire to ride, but not the experience.


Activities Beginner To Advanced Riding Lessons Beginners - Experienced Riders Beginners Welcome! Educational Clinics English Riding Lessons Equitation Excellent Instruction Fun Horse Education Horse Summer Camps Horseback Riding Day Camps Horseback Riding Lessons Horsemanship Lessons Horses Provided Jumping Kids Poles Quality Instructors Special Events
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