Camp with Cornerstone Farm is designed to teach English riding and stable management skills in a safe, friendly and fun learning environment. Our time-tested program teaches not only horsemanship but also teamwork, confidence and self-reliance. Our knowledgeable staff guide campers to develop new skills, both on and off the horses. Our school horses are trustworthy and kind and come in a variety of sizes and ability levels.
Introduction to Horses and Riding - 6/16-20, 7/7-11
For riders age 7 and up with little or no riding experience. Camp runs Monday through Friday from 9am-2pm. Long pants, sunscreen and a sack lunch needed. Cost $450/wk.
Horse Show Camp - 6/2-7, 7/21-26, 7/28-8/2
For riders age 7 and up with a minimum experience level of walk and trot. Daily riding lessons will focus on preparing riders for a real horse show on Saturday following camp. Camp runs Monday through Friday from 9am-2pm and a horse show on Saturday. Cost is $450/wk plus show fees.
For more information call or visit us on the web at www.CornerstoneFarmLLC.com. Happy Riding!