True Course Transportation / Horse Transportation Company in Ocala, Florida

Professional horseman and commercial driver, with over 45 years and well over a million miles experience hauling. TWIC (U.S. port security clearance) Insured, USDOT# 715677 and MC#1117589 since 1995,. Semi tractor with very roomy 6 horse Bellamy van trailer, Large Box stall optional. Insulated with fan system as well as a video monitor, providing safety as well as comfort/care for your horse while out on the road. Horse shows, Race tracks, Farms, Airports.... we also provide a flatbed service to haul your hay, lumber tractors and equipment, etc.!


Airports Cross Country & Long Hauls Custom Horse Transport Dependable Transportation To Shows Door To Door Service Available Dressage English Experienced Horseman Are The Drivers Ground Transport to Equine Air Transport Hay Horse Hauling Horse Racing Horse Shows Horse Transportation Horses Local Transports Mare Transport Multiple Horse Discounts Multiple Horse Transport Private Horse Transportation Race Track Relocation Regional Transport Stallion Transport Tack
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