Alpha K Equine transportation / Horse Transportation Company in Riverview, Florida

Hey folks! Welcome to Alpha K transportations page. Where we promote a gentle hand and a kind heart for your horses well being. Let me start by telling yall about our company. Alpha K was built to exceed our clients requests. We provide great equipment and great people. We have a 37' six horse head to head and a dodge diesel dually for plenty of control. You will be able to see pictures of our rig. Our trailer and truck are equipped with trailer eyes for us to be able to monitor our friends your horses while they are in the trailer. We stop for watering and there will be breaks as we go. Shipping boots are required we will also provide the boots as well. Also Hay and shavings will be in the stalls . We strive to conform our business to make your hauling experience stress free. We like our clients and Alpha K got into the business because we love horses. Our main guy John is a farrier and trainer he is well versed in the caretaking of a horse. So as you can see Alpha K can help you with many things. If you have a troubled horse that does not like to trailer let john help you. Or if you are on the way to a show and need a ride or a farrier we have it at Alpha K don't worry you are in good hands. John is a gentle trainer and believes in love and kindness. All we need from you is a negative coggins and your consent and we will be on our way. Call us for a quote and times. We look forward to hearing from you thanks.


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