Equine Acupuncture by Dr. LaVoie
Horse Vet in Milpitas, California
This practice is limited to equine acupuncture and chiropractic care. Emphasis is on acupuncture for sports medicine and focuses on soft tissue pain in the back, neck, hips, and shoulders. As acupuncture seems to work best where Western medicine is lacking (and vice versa), I prefer a team effort atmosphere and work well with your regular veterinarian to locate the source of your equine's discomfort. Of course, disease prevention and maintenance of your horse’s well-being is also of utmost importance. Appt by referral only; practice limited to horses in training.
Acupuncture & Alternative Therapies
Certified Veterinary Acupuncturist
Equine Chiropractic
Herbal & Holistic Therapy
Preventive Medicine
Sport Horse Medicine
Veterinary Tui Na
Wellness Care
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