Therapies include:
Equine Sports Massage Therapy
Equine Cranial Sacral Therapy and Polarity (Energy Work)
Essential Oils
Massage and Electro Acupressure will increase the performance of your horse by:
➢ Maintaining flexibility of muscles while building strength and preventing injuries.
➢ Release tensional patterns/soreness through increased circulation
➢ Increase the overall well being of your horse!
What is Electro-Acupressure?
The stimulation of muscles, tendons, and ligaments with mild electrical current in order to provide your horse muscular pain relief. Based of the same principles as Acupuncture without the use of needles.
1&1/2 hour Massage and Electro Acupressure Session -$80
Contact me for trip charge rates outside Lee County
***Special Introductory offer!! 50% off first session!! (Does not include trip charge)***
Kelsey Byrnes
Certified Equine Sports Massage Therapist and Electro-Acupressurist