Niels Hoof Care & Farrier Service LLC / Farrier in Cartersville, Georgia

Offering hoof care to all equines with an emphasis on sound horsemanship. Approaching the horse and hoof health with the whole perspective of diet + environment + regularly scheduled hoof care. Based in Cartersville, GA and serving most of North GA. I can be reached at


All Breeds & Disciplines Basic Shoeing Cold Shoeing Donkeys Farrier Foals & Young Horses Expertise Founder Treatment General Farrier Work Gentle Gentle With The Old Patient With The Young. Hoof Cracks Hoof Trimming Hot Shoeing If Your Horse Has A Hoof Crack Laminitis Treatment Miniatures And Donkeys Natural Barefoot Trimming Performance Horse Barefoot Trimming Performance Horse Shoeing Ponies/ Miniatures Trimming Trimming Instruction
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