Sound Equine / Farrier in Mead, Colorado


I have over 10 years experience and 50+ references available upon request. I have continued education with some of the best farriers in the country and have trained a couple of farriers in the area.

I specialize in prolonging the enjoyment on your horse by:

1. Mitigating excessive toe leverage (long toes)
2. Growing back heels (that were chopped off)
3. Identifying proper shoe placement to allow the hoof to grow where it is made to grow (instead of restricting it)
4. Identifying and improving breakover (mitigating excess leverage on joints and tendons)

These are the 4 major problems people have been hiring me to solve and probably the most common amongst all horses in this area.

All of these issues can lead to contracted heels/navicular syndrome due to the repositioning of the digital cushion which is necessary to be in proper position to absorb concussion and maintain soundness.

I currently collaborate with numerous veterinarians to primarily focus on solving these issues as well as perform preventative maintenance to prevent horses from reaching these stages.

Because of inflation I am looking to cut down my drive time and fuel costs and replace some of my longer drives with clients close by.

Please text or call me as I am not on this app much.



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