Swede's farrier(barefoot trimming) & ranch services / Farrier in Brooksville, Florida

Call ( three,five,two)four,five,seven-four,one,one,zero.
This website will not allow me to view anybody's contacts so please feel free to contact me from the sentence.
Sorry for the inconvenience I am really good about keeping on my clients and their needs and their information but unfortunately this website is holding me Ransom for all the information. I have been doing work for 15 years plus and I treat my clients with class. So please understand if I do not get back with you is not because I don't want your business but this website is holding me ransom for a high price.

Hi, my name is Erik Lundquist. And I  been trimming bare feet horses for 10 years. I can trim large draft horses that drive & ride also can trim small miniature horses. I'm willing to work with horses. If they don't give me their feet. I am not on a deadline. My job is to make the client and the horse feel relaxed while trimming their feet.
I am looking to make a long term relationship with horses and owner. I’ll show up on time, and I’ll listen to your concerns.
××× please read before trying to message me through new horse. Com everytime I try to access the number of clients trying to contact me it does not work( please call ) text at that number.

My goal is to provide you with the best possible service. Experience with correction, founder, laminitis, navicular, etc.
I am trained and certified and trimming horses and wet climates. If your horse is hard to handle I will take my time and patience. So the horse learned that trimming the hose is not a bad thing and make it a positive reinforcement to the horse may want to trim its feet and the future.

Please  call/text or message me to set up your appointment. Please call me on my cell phone due to I cannot access the phone information due to this website. If you want me to trim your pig. Horse or livestock animals.

## important notice must read before requests on newhorse.com :Please. Contact me at and I will be great. Appreciated to trim your animals feet. Again, the website will not allow me to access your phone number. So please call my phone. Thank you.)###

Swede's farrier(barefoot) & ranch services

mini horse /donkey /mule training
I also trim goat's Hooves sheep and cattle Hooves if needed. I have 10 years experience trimming livestock feet.
reasonable rates.
Drive and ride.


All Breeds & Disciplines All Soundness Needs Barrel Horses Boot Fitting Donkeys Draft Horses Dressage Horses Eventers Farrier Foals & Young Horses Expertise Founder Treatment Gaited Horses General Farrier Work Gentle Gentle With The Old Patient With The Young. Good With Horses Hoof Cracks Hoof Resection Hoof Trimming Hunters If Your Horse Has A Hoof Crack Laminitis Treatment Miniatures And Donkeys Mules Natural Barefoot Trimming Navicular Expertise Patient Performance Horse Barefoot Trimming Ponies/ Miniatures Punctual And Honest Reining & Ranch Horses Rope Horses Trimming Trimming Goats , Cattle Sheep and Livestock Trimming Horses in Wet Climates Very Dependable Western Pleasure
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