Graduate of La Puente Horseshoeing School. 33 years experience, specializing in lameness cases. Will work closely with your vet. I shoe all disciplines with an emphasis on the horses' conformation and what is required for your equine athlete to perform at their best level.
*I do not work on rescue horses*
If you are outside Denton or Tarrant counties, , I WILL NOT RECEIVE YOUR RETURN CONTACT INFO. I can best be reached by phone or Iron horse website.
Thank you! Please text me
I am also a Texas state licensed CERTIFIED EQUINE DENTAL PRACTITIONER. I studied at the Academy of Equine Dentistry in Glenn's Ferry, Idaho. I am Certified through and am a member of the International Association of Equine Dentists and licensed in the State of Texas
**Visit us at Ironhorseequine1.com
**Please call or text for appointments and info.
When emailing requests directly, please send email to
-add your phone number in message for best response.