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Rider, Trainer, Trimmer. Over 30 years with horses and more than 15 trimming. I use trimming techniques, bodywork, exercises on the ground and under saddle, environmental support, nutritional evaluation, work evaluation, and much more in order to develop a rehabilitation plan to get your horse to the highest function.
It is not uncommon for chronically lame horses I treat to recover comfort in a short period of time and full function within 12 months of monthly trims. I have corrected pigeon-toed horses, paddling, club foot, and more. Better collection, better work, better bodies, all build from better movement...which starts with the feet.
If you have a horse that your vet, your farrier, or even YOU have given up on DON'T LOSE HOPE, there might be another option. I have recovered horses destined for euthanasia and given them the best movement of their life...there are other solutions. It's a matter of working with the horse and adjusting the trim to what the body tells you it needs.
We build a plan of success together.
A client texted me this, 1 day after our second trim together:
"Just worked the horses. P was a tiny bit sore but moved soooo good!!!! Head lower, carrying herself better and Pa - OMG! First time in the round without being lame in at least a year!!! Thank you SO much! My heart had been hurting for him being in pain for soo long and you're saving him!!!! You're giving me my horse back! I was starting to lose hope..then there you are :)"
My references and work speak for themselves. I am happy to connect you with a client so you can ask them whatever questions you may have beyond what I can answer for you. You are welcome to verify my work, work ethic, dedication, timeliness, and so on.
My client roster has been booked for over 2 years. I accept clients dedicated to the holistic horsecare lifestyle. I only consider additions near or at current locations or evaluation consultations.
Regular Trim: $60 (1-3 horses)
Pull Shoes: $25 and up
Trip Fees: $10 and up depending on mileage
Full Eval/Consultation with trim: $150
Trims that do not fall within 'normal' maintenance range will incur additional fees of at least $10. Time and effort will determine total cost.
Have a beautiful day