( I will only respond to inquiries that are directed to me specifically. )Full time experienced and professional farrier with over 20 years of experience. I more or less have an "all of the above" approach to hoofcare. I'm not into "gimmicks" but I will use any tools or techniques possible to achieve the best possible results for every case. I am a graduate of the Kentucky School of Horseshoeing class of 2002 and regularly seek out continuing education. I am an AFA Certified Farrier. General principles of sound hoofcare is important and necessary but it's never general when you pick up a horses foot. It's specific to that foot. I will always return calls, whether I am able to help you or not. I strongly believe in horseowner education, of both my clients and the general public. I have been a clinician in public and private venues for a number of years for horseowner education. I have just recently relocated to Montgomery Texas for family reasons. I prefer to be contacted directly by phone. My range is, roughly, 1 hour from Montgomery, Tx but might go a bit further for a larger account.
AFA Certified Farrier
All Breeds & Disciplines
All Soundness Needs
Available For Speaking Events
Barrel Horses
Basic Shoeing
Biomechanical Analysis And Adjustments To Improve Performance.
Cold Shoeing
Cold Shoes For Jumpers
Corrective & Lameness Shoeing
Custom Blacksmithing
Custom Shoeing
Diagnosing Hoof Problems
Dressage Horses
Drill Tec
Equi-cast Hoof Casting Material
Foals & Young Horses Expertise
Founder Treatment
Four-point Trimming & Enhanced Breakover Shoeing
Full Shoes
Gaited Horses
General Farrier Work
Gentle With The Old Patient With The Young.
Glue On Shoes
Good With Horses
Great With Horses. Gentle And Honest
Hand Turned Hunter/jumper/dressage Aluminum Shoes
Handmade Shoes
Hoof Casts
Hoof Cracks
Hoof Pads
Hoof Reconstruction
Hoof Resection
Hoof Trimming
Hot Shoeing
Hunter Jumpers
I Have Worked With Horses All My Life
I Show Up On Time Or I Will Make A Call
If Your Horse Has A Hoof Crack
Laminitis Treatment
Natural Barefoot Trimming
Navicular Expertise
Outstanding Quality
Performance Horse Barefoot Trimming
Performance Horse Shoeing
Please Call To Check My Availability
Pleasure Trail Horses As Well As Competitive Trail & Endurance
Ponies/ Miniatures
Providing Soundness In Horses
Punctual And Honest
Quarter Cracks
Regular Shoes And Trims
Rope Horses
Shoeing For Performance & Soundness In All Horses.
Specializing In Perfomance
Therapeutic Shoeing
Trim To Natural Conformation Of The Horse.
Very Dependable
Western Pleasure