Marian Figley / Farrier in Moreland, Georgia

I currently have a limited number of openings for 6 horses or less at a single location. Service area is limited to a 45 minute radius from Moreland, GA.

Barefoot hoof care specialist with over 20 years in the field. Very experienced in rehab of founder, navicular, and transitioning from shod to bare. I trim horses in most every discipline, at every stage of their life. I have trained with Cindy Sullivan, Pete Ramey, Jaime Jackson, and several other preeminent people in the field of natural horse care. I approach trimming with the whole horse approach. Balanced trimming, attention to diet, movement, tack, rider balance and environment (and more) are crucial for full horse health and hoof function.

Trimming starts at $45 per regular sized horse, $35 for minis, and I'm sorry, but I no longer trim drafts. I do trim goats and donkeys who stand well. My days of operation are Sunday through Wednesday, 8:00 am to Noon. No charge for pulling shoes. I carry fit kits for Easycare, Scoot, and Flex boots with me, and will be happy to work with you to find the right size and style boot for your horse if they need them.

If your horse(s) are untrained, the price will go up. I work well with horses who have pain issues, and there is no extra charge for that. If you are not willing to either work with your untrained horses, or hire someone to do so, ultimately I will not continue trimming for you.


All Breeds & Disciplines Available For Speaking Events Boot Fitting Club Foot Coffin Bone Remodeling Consultations Crushed Heels Diagnosing Hoof Problems Donkeys Flare Foals & Young Horses Expertise Founder Treatment Gaited Horses Gentle Gentle With The Old Patient With The Young. Good With Horses Hoof Casting Hoof Cracks Hoof Trimming I Show Up On Time Or I Will Make A Call If Your Horse Has A Hoof Crack Laminitis Treatment Miniatures And Donkeys Mules Natural Barefoot Trimming Natural Horsemanship Natural Trim Navicular Expertise Negative Palmar Angle Patient Performance Horse Barefoot Trimming Pleasure Trail Horses As Well As Competitive Trail & Endurance Ponies/ Miniatures Quarter Cracks Run Forward Heels Sinkers Thin Soles Thrush Transitioning From Shod To Bare Trim To Natural Conformation Of The Horse. Trimming Trimming Instruction Very Dependable White Line Disease Whole Horse Approach Wry Feet
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