JB Farrier Service / Premier Farrier in Colorado Springs, Colorado

I provide professional Farrier services customized to meet the needs of my clients. I provide Farrier care for a wide variety of horses from pasture pets to high end performance horses and provide a broad range of therapeutic options when needed. I have extensive education and certifications and over 20 years experience treating horses. I am certified to teach Farrier science at the vocational level and my "Proof is in the HOOF".
Call or text: 719-213-9990
Email: jimbecka@hotmail.com


Acrylic Hoof Repair AFA Certified Farrier All Breeds & Disciplines All Soundness Needs And Kind Handling Techniques And Late Is Unacceptable. Available For Speaking Events Balance Trims Barefoot Trims Barrel Horses Basic Shoeing Boot Fitting Casting Clips Cold Shoeing Cold Shoes For Jumpers Consultations Corrective Corrective & Lameness Shoeing Cusions Custom Blacksmithing Custom Shoeing Custom Shoes Diagnosing Hoof Problems Donkeys Draft Horses Drafts Dressage Horses Drill Tec Endurance Equi-cast Hoof Casting Material Eventers Every Balanced For Peak Performance Farrier Foals & Young Horses Expertise Founder Founder Treatment Four-point Trimming & Enhanced Breakover Shoeing Full Shoes Gaited Horses General Farrier Work Gentle Gentle With The Old Patient With The Young. Glue On Shoes Good With Horses Great With Horses. Gentle And Honest Ground Control Shoes Hand Turned Hunter/jumper/dressage Aluminum Shoes Handmade Shoes Hoof Casts Hoof Cracks Hoof Pads Hoof Reconstruction Hoof Resection Hoof Trimming Horseman Horseshoes Hot Shoeing Hunter Jumpers Hunters I Show Up On Time Or I Will Make A Call If Your Horse Has A Hoof Crack Jumpers Laminitis Laminitis Treatment Miniatures And Donkeys Minis Mules Natural Balance Hoof Care Natural Balance Shoeing And Trimming Natural Barefoot Trimming Natural Horsemanship Natural Shoeing Natural Trim Navicular Expertise Outstanding Quality Patient Performance Horse Barefoot Trimming Performance Horse Shoeing Please Call To Check My Availability Pleasure Trail Horses As Well As Competitive Trail & Endurance Ponies/ Miniatures Providing Soundness In Horses Punctual Punctual And Honest Quarter Cracks Regular Shoes And Trims Reining & Ranch Horses Reliable Rope Horses Shoeing For Performance & Soundness In All Horses. Therapeutic Shoeing Thrush Trim To Natural Conformation Of The Horse. Trimming Trimming Instruction Trims Very Dependable Western Pleasure Work With Horses That May Need Additional Training
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