Professional Horseshoeing Services / Farrier in Blanchard, Oklahoma

Professional, reliable farrier, over 20 years experience specializing in the performance horse industry.
Servicing all your shoeing and trimming needs
Theraputic, corrective - acute and chronic lameness issues. Keep your sound horse sound and let us help you correct a problem or ongoing soundness issue.
All clients welcome.
For difficult or intensive soundness issues, injuries or lamnitic cases please feel free to call for a consultation.
We work side by side with some of the top veterinarians in Oklahoma and will do our best to restore your horse to optimal soundness.
Veterinary and Professional Horseman references available.

Please call & leave message. Your call WILL be returned promptly or send us an email.


All Breeds & Disciplines Available For Speaking Events Corrective & Lameness Shoeing Performance Horse Shoeing
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