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Farrier in Wolfeboro, New Hampshire (Carroll County)

George Iselin
71 miles from Wolfeboro, NH

Matt Treanor
75 miles from Wolfeboro, NH
Visit Matt Treanor

Graduated from Oklahoma Horseshoeing school. Looking to grow his business in the great Keene area

Highlights: General Farrier Work, Gentle With The Old Patient With The Young., Draft Horses, Very Dependable, Punctual And Honest, Basic Shoeing, Hot Shoeing, Mules, Natural Barefoot Trimming, Clips, Custom Blacksmithing, Gentle, Outstanding Quality, Miniatures And Donkeys, Donkeys, Performance Horse Barefoot Trimming, Hoof Trimming, Trimming is © Copyright Sudden Ventures, Inc. ( 0.047 secs on 03/14/25)

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