Prompt, reliable farrier services. Trims, half or full shoe. Call or text for appointment
I have been shoeing horses across Colorado for almost seventeen years. I shoe a variety of horses for different disciplines and do a wide range of therapeutic work. I compete heavily with my own horses in polocrosse and endurace riding so I know whatSee More
...I have completed an 8 week Farrier coarse, a 2 year apprenticeship, and I am a AFA Certified Farrier. I do all hot shoeing, and also offer therapeutic shoeing if needed. I also work with numerous Vets and other Farriers to continue my education as muSee More
...C-Cross Farriers is a multi-farrier practice focused on soundness and optimal performance. We believe in continuing education and the pursuit of a higher standard within the farrier industry. is © Copyright Sudden Ventures, Inc. ( 0.081 secs on 02/01/25)
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